From Narvik it is -
1407 km to Oslo
1011 km to Kirkenes
243 km to Tromsø
880 km to Trondheim
709 km to Nordkapp
1363 km to St. Peterburg
1013 km to Boris Gleb
1425 km to Stockholm
1933 km to København
3189 km to Paris
2089 km to Hamburg
3159 km to Wien
3978 km to Roma
2559 km to Warsawa
8575 km to New York
is a vivid city at the bottom of Ofotfjorden.
It has an undeserved reputation for being
closed socially, which is not true.
Narvik is an artistic city, where you get the
impression that every second person is hobby musicians, very good
hobby musicians as well.
Narvik is almost devoided of
high society tendencies, if you want
status here, you should be a musician.
Under the surface there is a vibrant
life in the city.
No beautiful city on the surface, but it's a very beautiful town under the surface.